The Brand Cycle

They will treat them the way you treat them.

The Brand Cycle

They will treat them the way you treat them.

Simon Sinek shares an interesting story during his stay at the Four Seasons hotel. To his surprise, almost everyone at the hotel genuinely treated him well and it did not seem like they were forced to do so.

When he asked the barista at the coffee counter why he loved his job, the barista expressed that all of the managers made sure he felt comfortable working there and offered to help him if he needs any.

Your team is the first tribe of your brand. They are the ones who would make or break your brand. That's why I love to call them a team player rather than an employee.

In sports, a team plays its best when every team member is able to give their best with one goal to make sure that they win. This is only possible everyone is made to realise their purpose and role in the success of the overall team.

A brand's values, culture and message are in constant circulation between the company and the team, the team and the customers, the company and the customers as illustrated in the image below.

Therefore it is imperative that a brand is a living brand that embodies its values in its team first before the customers, cause they will treat them the way you treat them.

Dec 4, 2022
Mohammad Faraz

Mohammad Faraz

Silent Extrovert & Former Architect turned Brand Architect helping emerging tech and startup brands plan spaces in the hearts and minds of their customers through Brand Strategy & Brand Identity.